Marble Bouquet – With 24” Personalised Bubble balloon


This set consist of 1 x 24” Personalised Bubble Balloon & 2 x Marble Balloon Bouquets

A fancier combination of balloon bouquet with the use of the patterned marble balloons, it is mostly used for kids or unicorn themed party! Marble balloons add a special tough to the overall presentation making it feminine and beautifully.

Over at BoBoChaChaBalloon, all our balloons are designed uniquely and with hearts and love! These personalized balloons can easily turn everywhere and anywhere into INSTA-Worthy spots, making it perfect for any occasions.


Confetti Blue Splash

Confetti Rose Gold

Confetti Rainbow

Confetti Classic

Confetti Gold

Confetti Silver

Confetti Delight

Confetti Pink Blush

Confetti Valentine

Confetti Unicorn

Confetti Ice Blue

Confetti Tiffany

Confetti Yellow

Confetti Purple

Confetti Moss

Confetti Black

Confetti Red