If you are hosting an adult-only party, chances are drinking games are part of the night. While party games are necessary for a fun and eventful night, drinking games are not all you require to have a memorable time. Sometimes, all you need can be a little more “civilised”. Hence, we have compiled some of the best-organised house party games that you can play at your next adult-only party.
Name the tune
It is a fairly easy game. All you need is a rather in-tune singing capability. Everybody writes a song title on a piece of paper and puts it in a bowl in the middle of the room. Going in a circle, one person picks a piece of paper from the bowl and hums the tune of the song. Everybody else has to guess the song title, and the fastest person to answer wins. The next person repeats.
To up the competitiveness of the game, you can throw in a “punishment” for those that did not manage to answer the fastest, such as taking a shot of vinegar or adding clips to your face. You will not be surprised by how competitive the party can get.
Ring of fire
This is one of the most classic drinking games. However, instead of alcohol, you can make your own ‘devilish’ concoction of a drink, alcohol-free. You can make it fun by providing the ingredients and getting the players to make a drink for another random.
This game involves using a deck of playing cards, with each card consisting of an instruction. Players take turns drawing the top card of the deck. The card’s instructions are as follows:
- Ace – Everybody drinks what they are given continuously and can only stop if the person on their right stops, starting with the one who drew this card.
- 2 – The one who drew this card chooses someone to take a sip of their own drink.
- 3 – The one who drew this card takes a sip.
- 4 – All females take a sip.
- 5 – The one who drew this card has to place their thumb on the table. The last person to do so after takes a sip.
- 6 – All males take a sip.
- 7 – The one who drew this card has to point up. The last person to do so after takes a sip.
- 8 – The one who drew this card appoints a partner who will accompany them every time they have to take a sip.
- 9 – The one who drew this card selects a random word. Going around in the circle, each has to rhyme with that word. The one who messes up has to take a sip.
- 10 – The one who drew this card selects a random category. And going around in the circle, each has to name something in that category. The one who messes up has to take a sip.
- Jack – The one who drew this card comes up with a rule for the rest of the game. Anyone who forgets the rule will have to take a sip.
- Queen – For the rest of the game, anybody who answers a question posed by the one who drew this card will have to take a sip.
- King – The one who drew this card pours some of their drink into the main punishment cup in the middle of the circle.
The player who finishes their cup first loses and will have to drink from the main punishment cup in the middle of the circle.
Head’s up
A real classic party game is head’s up. You can download it from the play store for free. One person picks a category and puts the phone to their head. The phone will display the words within the chosen category, and the rest of the team will describe the displayed word without mentioning it. The winning team is the one that guesses the most number of words within the given time limit.
Party games are fun and can be played at any point of the party. When planned correctly, they really help to elevate the atmosphere of the night. Other than party games, other essentials that help to liven up the party’s atmosphere are also party décors, such as balloons, as well as food. If you are looking for a one-stop solution, look no further than BoBoChaCha Balloons, a party store in Singapore offering quality and affordable decorating elements. Contact us to find out more!